Mastering Orthopedic Techniques Total knee Arthroplasty
ISBN | 9788184488944 |
Edition | 1/e |
Publish Year | 2010 |
Pages | 280 |
Size | 8.5"×11" |
Cover Type | Hard Back |
With CD/DVD | No |
Mark R Hutchinson, MD(University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine) |
This is an efficient technical guide designed as a timely, easy to use, concise, and accurate how-to reference for orthopedic surgeons and residents in training who wish to attack a broad range of challenges in total knee arthroplasty ranging from simple |
goal of book is succinctly described in its title: to help readers in mastering the various techniques necessary to be successful when performing total knee arthroplasty. The editor and his contributing authors have done a nice job of staying on task, providing a technical guide that begins with indications, but always walks readers through how to address the specific challenges difficult cases may present. |
s obviously surgeons who wish to perform or improve their techniques in total knee arthroplasty. This also would be a great reference for residents or fellows in training to read just before assisting on a complex case. The contributing authors, as Chit Ranawat notes in the foreword, are an impressive group from the Indian subcontinent. |
Most of the chapters in this efficient book target very specific topics in a mere 8 to 12 pages. Most begin with a historical introduction followed by a review of indications and contraindications. Preoperative planning and surgical technique are the key focus with good, high-quality images that assist readers in reproducing the techniques. Any book that is designed to be efficient carries the risk of not being thorough. However, the editor and authors have done a nice job in addressing this balance to make this a very user-friendly technical guide to total knee arthroplasty. |
If anything surprised me, it was Dr. Malhotra's claim that this book was the first of its kind. I would have to disagree, as there are numerous technical guides to total knee arthroplasty available. This one is excellent and carries the advantage of being current and efficient with wonderful, high quality photos. If I may preempt a potential prejudgment of this book as sharing only the Indian point of view, this is absolutely not the case. It addresses classic problems of total knee arthroplasty with fundamental thoughts that are universal. I give Dr. Malhotra and his colleagues sincere accolades for creating a wonderful, efficient technical guide for a variety of challenges in performing total knee arthroplasty. |