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ISBN 9789350907740
Edition 1/e
Publish Year 2014
Pages 342
Size 6.25" X 9.5"
Cover Type Paper Back
With CD/DVD No
Weight (Grams) 615
Quick Overview
This book offers every clinical ophthalmologist complete guidance as it compiles the results of the latest multicenter clinical trials in the practice of ophthalmology with relevant references. The trials have been organized into chapters, covering all ophthalmic subspecialties. Each pertinent trial is described under similar subject headings/styles and has been formatted accordingly for easy reading and recall. A summary at the end of each chapter has been provided for easy reference. All the trials have been listed alphabetically and indexed at the end. Authors have collected and summarized the major clinical trials in different subspecialties in the field of ophthalmology. Each of the nineteen chapters deals with important clinical trials of a particular subspecialty. The format presented includes all the essential aspects of a trial, such as purpose of study with background, study design, number of subjects with inclusion and exclusion criteria, and outcomes measures. It is followed by results with conclusion nicely summarized without any distortion of facts.

The special feature is the summary of important facts in a tabular format at the end of each chapter giving a “bird’s eye view” of all the trials included in that chapter. Authors have also given the expanded form of all the abbreviations used in the text in the beginning of the book for ready reference.

This handbook is not distorting any facts or adding any other perspective, suggestions or implications. It is an effort to provide a convenient and quick reference for the vast data available. All the major and latest clinical trials have been recorded but it must be understood that the list is not exhaustive.
Key Features
• Inclusion of all major clinical trials in all subspecialties of ophthalmology compiled together for ready reference

• Facts pertaining to these trials (including description, results, etc.) have been presented without any modification

• Each trial/study is described under common headings and arranged chronologically or in order of significance

• Proper referencing has been provided for further reading

• Tables providing the summaries of the trials "at a glance" have been given at the end of each chapter

• Ready reckoner before examinations/viva/interviews for all ophthalmology residents, fellows, teachers, and clinicians.

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